Enable paging: Check to enable the paging functionality.
Enable searching: Check to enable the searching functionality.
Enable copy to clipboard: Check to enable a button that copies the table data to the clipboard.
Enable Excel export: Check to enable a button that exports the table data as .xlsx file.
Enable CSV export: Check to enable a button that exports the table data as .csv file.
Enable PDF export: Check to enable a button that exports the table data as .pdf file.
Enable printing: Check to enable a “print” button.
Show columns: Select the columns to be included in the table.
Group column: (Optional) column to group the data.
Order columns: Comma separated column numbers to order by initially (use “!” to order descending); “2!;1” for example uses column 2 (descending) as primary order column and column 1 (ascending) as second order column.
Show information: Check to show dataset information such as number of records.
Disable state saving: Check to disable automatic state saving and restoring.