Mermaid Charts & Diagrams for Jira
Easily embed different kind of charts and diagrams to your Jira issues!
Mermaid Charts & Diagrams for Jira provides an app that allows you to add beautiful diagrams define with a textual descriptions. A documentation of the textual description can be found here
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Various diagrams such as flow charts, sequence diagrams, class diagrams, state diagrams, entity relationship diagrams, gantt diagrams, pie charts, git graphs, user journeys, mindmaps, timelines, C4 diagrams, quadrant charts, XY charts, requirement diagrams, Sankey diagrams, block diagrams, packet diagrams, Kanban boards and architecture diagrams
Multiple diagrams per issue
JQL support
Jira’s dark mode support
Syntax validation, error highlighting & live preview
Font Awesome icons
Download diagram as image (PNG or SVG) and PDF
Show diagram in fullscreen
Templates to ease the diagram definition
Add diagram to ticket description
Pan and zoom support
Support for native Jira mobile app
Table of Contents