


As any app for Confluence Cloud, you can install the app via the Confluence admin menu.

  1. Log into your Confluence instance as an admin.

  2. Click on “Apps > Manage apps” in the header menu.

  3. Click on “Find new apps” on the right navigation.

  4. Search for “Content Tools for Confluence” and select it.

  5. Click on “Try it free” to install the app.


Content Tools for Confluence provides various macros that allows you to modify your Confluence content..

To make use of the macro click the “Insert” / “+” Button in the edit mode, select one of the Content Tools for Confluence macros and configure the macro specific options as defined below. The Confluence content the macro should work with is added as macro body.

Macro “Content Tools - Ordered lists”

The macro “Content Tools - Ordered lists” allows you to order lists in the macro body alphabetically. The macro provides the following options

  • Reverse order: Check to sort descending instead of ascending

  • Max depth: Define the max depth level of the lists that should be ordered (topmost list has depth 1)

  • Exclude list types: Define the list types to exclude from ordering (set to “ordered” to exclude “numbered lists” and “unordered” to exclude “bullet lists”)

Macro “Content Tools - Ordered tables”

The macro “Content Tools - Ordered tables” allows you to tables in the macro body alphabetically by one or multiple columns. The macro provides the following options

  • Columns: Comma separated column numbers to sort"

  • Reverse order: Check to sort descending instead of ascending

Macro “Highlight keywords”

The macro “Highlight keywords” allows you to highlights keywords in the macro body alphabetically. The macro provides the following options

  • Keyword: Keyword to highlight

  • Bold: Check to highlight the keyword in bold

  • Underline: Check to highlight the keyword with underline style

  • Link: URL to link the highlighted keyword to (needs to be escaped, i.e. use “%20” instead of spaces)

  • Case sensitive: Check to match keyword (only) case sensitive