Mermaid Charts & Diagrams for Confluence


Easily create diagrams, sequences, gantt charts and more based on textual description in a similar manner as markdown!

Mermaid for Confluence provides a macro that turns textual descriptions into beautiful diagrams. A documentation of the textual description can be found here

Get your free trial license for Mermaid Charts & Diagrams for Confluence or check out our!


  • Various diagrams such as flow charts, sequence diagrams, class diagrams, state diagrams, entity relationship diagrams, gantt diagrams, pie charts, git graphs, user journeys, mindmaps, timelines, C4 diagrams, quadrant charts, XY charts, requirement diagrams, Sankey diagrams, block diagrams, packet diagrams, Kanban boards and architecture diagrams

  • Syntax validation, error highlighting and live preview in Confluence macro editor

  • Confluence search integration

  • Confluence’s dark mode support

  • Confluence PDF export

  • Font Awesome icons support

  • Download Mermaid diagram as image (PNG or SVG) and PDF

  • Show diagram in fullscreen dialog

  • Load samples to facilitate the diagram definition

  • Supports loading Mermaid code from remote locations

  • Pan and zoom support

  • Theme support (Default, Neutral, Dark or Forest)

  • Inserts Mermaid diagrams by pasting Mermaid Live Editor ([…]) URLs into Confluence

  • Data protection mode (to ensure data is processed only in the Atlassian cloud and within the user's browser)

Table of contents
