RapiDoc OpenAPI & Swagger Specification UI for Confluence Home

Easily visualize OpenAPI Specifications (Swagger 2.0, OAS 3.x.x) in a Swagger UI like frontend!

RapiDoc OpenAPI & Swagger Specification UI for Confluence allows you to add a Swagger UI like frontend based on a OpenAPI Specification (Swagger 2.0, OAS 3.x.x) to any Confluence page.

Get your free trial license for RapiDoc OpenAPI & Swagger Specification UI or check out our https://weweave.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CONFRAPIDOC/pages/2074050569 !


  • Supports Swagger 2.0 & OAS 3.x.x

  • Supports OAuth authentication flow

  • Loads OpenAPI Specification from a remote URL and a JSON or YAML text

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