

Please check out our YouTube video or our https://weweave.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CONFYOUTUBE/pages/974389398 to get an idea about how YouTube for Confluence works.


As any app for Confluence Cloud, you can install the app via the Confluence admin menu.

  1. Log into your Confluence instance as an admin.

  2. Click on “Apps > Manage apps” in the header menu.

  3. Click on “Find new apps” on the right navigation.

  4. Search for “YouTube for Confluence” and select it.

  5. Click on “Try it free” to install the app.



YouTube for Confluence provides several macros to add YouTube content to your Confluence pages. To make use of the first option click the “Insert” / “+” Button in the edit mode and search for one of the YouTube macros.

  • Select “YouTube video” to embed a single YouTube video.

  • Select “YouTube playlist” to embed a single YouTube playlist.

  • Select “YouTube user uploads” to embed a playlist of YouTube videos uploaded by a specific user.

  • Select “YouTube search result” to embed a playlist of YouTube videos for a specific search query.

Change the macros settings appropriately and click “Save”.

Fullscreen (dialog) support

For all macros, you can use the “Fullscreen dialog” setting to configure the fullscreen support. Please note, that due to technical limitations in the Confluence Cloud, our app cannot use native YouTube fullscreen support but “emulates” the fullscreen support in a Confluence dialog.

The following options are supported:

  • Disabled: Fullscreen support is disabled.

  • YouTubeIcon: Clicking on the fullscreen icon in the YoutTube player opens the fullscreen dialog.

  • ConfluenceButton: Clicking on a button below the video opens the fullscreen dialog.

YouTube autoconvert URLs

The following URL patterns supports the Confluence autoconvert feature. The autoconvert feature automatically replaces the pasted URL with an appropriate macro (whereas {} is a placeholder).

App configuration

Please note that the usage of the macro “YouTube search result” requires an API key for the YouTube Data API which can be configured in the app’s configuration page which is available for Confluence administrators via the “Configure” button under “Apps > Manage apps”

The configuration page looks as shown below. More information how to register for an API key can be found here https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/getting-started.


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